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Celebrating to Entrepreneur Elite (International) Club for moving to a new home
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  • 2020-05-12
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May is the season of flowers, love and gratitude. In this beautiful season, the Entrepreneur Elite (International) Club (EEIC) is officially relocated to 1003A, Level 10, The Exchange SOHO, 299 Tongren Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai, China.

Since 2017, EEIC has been in operation for more than 3 years. In the past three years, the Club has been actively committed to building an information exchange platform for our members. Meanwhile, the club also provides valuable resources for governments and companies of key industries including advanced manufacturing, financial and information technology, artificial intelligence, life science, big data, and smart manufacturing. The club has already absorbed more than 2,000 companies and individuals as members relied on its three characteristics of cross-industry, cross-region and internationalization. With the active participation and witness of everyone, the reputation and influence of the club keep increasing.

Entrepreneur Value Sharing Platform is an internet exchange platform which serves all official members of the EEIC. It is a critical carrier for the club to provide related services and for club members to interact and share with each other. 

The club will be based on Internet thinking and oriented to the needs of members, fully encouraging members to use the platform to spontaneously realize the sharing and acquisition of resource value. The club is committed to becoming a warm home for entrepreneurs and elites to share value and achieve success.

You are very welcome to come and have a cup of tea. We are looking forward to your cooperation and exchanges with you.

If you have any requirements, please contact the club secretariat:

· Dr. Nicholas Yin

Email: nicholas.yin@eeic.org.cn

Mobile: 18516418501

· Ms. Ellen Hu

Email: Ellen.hu@eeic.org.cn

Mobile: 13801891145

The original intention of the establishment of EEIC

EEIC will always uphold the core values and development concepts of consensus, mutual connection, sharing, co-creation and win-win. The club hopes to seek the right way to realize social value by condensing the wisdom of the most visionary entrepreneurs. We believe that under the professional operation and technical support, the Club will be more stable and tougher. Thank you very much for your time and support. I wish you all good health and prosperity.


企业家精英(国际)俱乐部 是一家以世界五百强、跨国公司高管、国内上市公司高管、中国最具有潜力快速成长高科技企业、上海部分市级开发区和一批志同道合的中外知名的律师事务所、四大会计师事务所、投资公司(PE\VC)、战略咨询公司主管合伙人、专业科学技术领域领军人物联合发起组建跨行业、跨区域的非盈利性组织。俱乐部的宗旨是弘扬中国精神,以推动“商业正气、回报社会、造福下一代”核心价值为行事准则,搭建企业与政府以及企业与企业之间的沟通桥梁,实现信息交流、资源共享、共同发展;关怀企业家的人文情怀、理想与价值观,通过凝聚最具远见的企业家智慧,寻求实现商业价值正确道路,打造真正的桑海商业文化,最终成就企业家的共同梦想,成为企业家和精英的温馨家园,力求打造为最具影响力和品牌力的高端服务平台之一。

Entrepreneur Elite (International) Club is a cross-industry andcross-region non-profit organization composed of senior management with sharedvisions from Fortune 500 companies, multi-national corporations, domestichigh-growth potential high technology enterprises, economic development zonesin Shanghai as well as senior partners from renowned law firms, accounting firms, PE/VC and consulting companies. Purpose of this Club is to promote Chinese spirit. With promotions of core values of 'business integrity, feedbackto society, welfare to next generation'as its operation guidelines, this Club will establish a communication bridge between business and government and amongbusinesses for the purpose of fulfilling information exchange, resource sharingand joint development. This Club cares about entrepreneur's humanistic feelings, ambition and concept of value. Through the convergence of wisdom fromthe most visionary entrepreneurs, this Club searches correct path to realize business value and build up authentic Songhai business culture, and ultimatelyfulfills entrepreneurs' common dreams and becomes a warm home for entrepreneursand business elites.


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