企业家精英(国际)俱乐部 是一家以世界五百强、跨国公司高管、国内上市公司高管、中国最具有潜力快速成长高科技企业、上海部分市级开发区和一批志同道合的中外知名的律师事务所、四大会计师事务所、投资公司(PE\VC)、战略咨询公司主管合伙人、专业科学技术领域领军人物联合发起组建跨行业、跨区域的非盈利性组织。俱乐部的宗旨是弘扬中国精神,以推动“商业正气、回报社会、造福下一代”核心价值为行事准则,搭建企业与政府以及企业与企业之间的沟通桥梁,实现信息交流、资源共享、共同发展;关怀企业家的人文情怀、理想与价值观,通过凝聚最具远见的企业家智慧,寻求实现商业价值正确道路,打造真正的桑海商业文化,最终成就企业家的共同梦想,成为企业家和精英的温馨家园。力求打造为最具影响力和品牌力的高端服务平台之一。
Entrepreneur Elite (International) Club is a cross-industry and cross-region non-profit organization composed of senior management with shared visions from Fortune 500 companies, multi-national corporations, domestic high-growth potential high technology enterprises, economic development zones in Shanghai as well as senior partners from renowned law firms, accounting firms, PE/VC and consulting companies. Purpose of this Club is to promote Chinese spirit. With promotions of core values of “business integrity, feedback to society, welfare to next generation” as its operation guidelines, this Club will establish a communication bridge between business and government and among businesses for the purpose of fulfilling information exchange, resource sharing and joint development. This Club cares about entrepreneur’s humanistic feelings, ambition and concept of value. Through the convergence of wisdom from the most visionary entrepreneurs, this Club searches correct path to realize business value and build up authentic Songhai business culture, and ultimately fulfills entrepreneurs’ common dreams and becomes a warm home for entrepreneurs and business elites.