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Entrepreneur Elite (International) Club

Articles of Incorporation

第一章 总则

Chapter One General Provisions

第一条 名称:企业家精英(国际)俱乐部,英文名称Entrepreneur Elite (International) Club;
Article 1. Name of the club is Entrepreneur Elite (International) Club.

第二条 本俱乐部由是由国内外一批志同道合的中外知名的律师事务所、四大会计师事务所、投资公司(PE\VC)、战略咨询公司、投资咨询公司及世界跨国公司的高官和国家级、省市级开发区以及开发区内部分知名企业(包括快速成长高科技企业)联合发起组建非盈利性组织,以企业、企业家和社会精英为主体,力求成为最具影响力和品牌力的高端服务平台之一;

Article 2. This club is a non-profit organization jointly promoted and established by domestic and offshore renowned law firms, four major accounting firms, investment companies (PE/VC), strategic consulting companies, investment consulting companies as well as senior management of multinational corporations, national/provincial economic development zones and renowned enterprises in economic development zones (including fast and high growth high-tech enterprises). As such, this club is mainly composed of businesses, entrepreneurs and social elites dedicated to making this Club one of the high-end service platforms with top-of-the-line influence and branding power.

第三条 俱乐部的宗旨是弘扬中国精神,以推动“商业正气、回报社会、造福下一代”核心价值为行事准则,搭建企业与政府以及企业与企业之间的沟通桥梁,实现信息交流、资源共享、共同发展;关怀企业家的人文情怀、理想与价值观,通过凝聚最具远见的企业家智慧,寻求实现商业价值正确道路,打造真正的桑海商业文化,最终成就企业家的共同梦想,成为企业家和精英的温馨家园。

Article 3. Purpose of this Club is to promote Chinese spirit. With promotions of core values of 'business integrity, feedback to society, welfare to next generation' as its operation guidelines, this Club will establish a communication bridge between business and government and among businesses for the purpose of fulfilling information exchange, resource sharing and joint development. This club cares about entrepreneur's humanistic feelings, ambition and concept of value. Through the convergence of wisdom from the most visionary entrepreneurs, this club searches correct path to realize business value and build up authentic Songhai business culture, and ultimately fulfills entrepreneurs’ common dreams and becomes a warm home for entrepreneurs and business elites.

第四条 俱乐部总部设在中国上海市,俱乐部地址设在中国上海市大治路12号。

Article 4. This club is headquartered in Shanghai, China with address of No. 12, Da-Zhi Rd., Shanghai, People's Republic of China.

第二章 俱乐部特色

Chapter Two Club Features

第五条 俱乐部力求打造成为首个互联网交互方式的企业家价值分享平台。将充分依托互联网思维,以“俱乐部搭平台,会员主导唱戏”为特色,充分鼓励各会员自发借助平台力量实现资源价值分享及获取,即每一位会员均可在俱乐部平台上发起任何活动,包括寻求项目合作、各类专业知识讲座或主题沙龙、各类品鉴活动等,活动发起后其他会员自愿报名参加。

Article 5. This club is dedicated to building the first internet-interaction based entrepreneur value sharing platform. This club shall fully utilize internet thinking and, with the features of 'member-oriented club platform', fully encourage respective members to actively utilize power of this platform to fulfill resource value sharing and achievement. That is, each member is entitled to initiate any event on this platform including searching for project collaboration, holding of various professional knowledge workshops or theme seminars, or various artifact appreciation events, and so on. Other members may voluntarily register to participate in events which are already initiated.

第六条 凡是发起活动者或做价值分享的会员即可获得成就积分和点赞积分,积分越多贡献越大;同时,每一位会员还将有“被点名”组织活动的机会,被点名的次数越多威望就越高。当然,不发起活动的会员也可通过平台寻求最贴合自身诉求点的服务及活动来参与,即时享受参与活动的乐趣,获得参与积分。俱乐部发展初期将先以会员轮值方式发起活动,后续将设计专门的APP对接俱乐部服务平台,通过APP进行活动发起和信息交流,还可通过平台找项目、找合作,实现交互式的价值分享,成为企业家和精英分享价值、引领责任、获得成就的温馨家园。

Article 6. Members initiating events or those who are engaged in value-sharing will be able to obtain achievement points and like-bonus. The more points a member has, the more contribution he or she makes. Furthermore, each member will be 'called' to organize events. A member will be more respected if he or she has been called more times to organize events. Naturally, members not engaged in initiating events will also be entitled to look for and participate in services or events which best fit with his or her needs through this platform, and enjoy, in real time, the fun of participating in events and receive participation points. In the initial stage of club development, members will take turn in initiating events. Going forward, we will design an exclusive APP connecting the club’s service platform. Events will then be initiated and information will be exchanged through APP. Furthermore, members will be able to look for projects and collaboration though this platform and fulfill value sharing in an exchange way. Ultimately, we will make this platform a warm and loving home for entrepreneurs and elites to share their values, to lead in assuming responsibility and to obtain achievements.

第七条 拟设立一家咨询公司专门来运营俱乐部,咨询公司不得从事与俱乐部无关的事项,且每年的财务运作情况由理事会推荐的第三方会计事务所审计,并及时向会员披露。

Article 7. A consulting company specifically for the operation of this club will be established. This consulting company shall not be engaged in matters irrelevant to the Club, and each year its financial operations shall be audited by third party accounting firm recommended by the board of directors' meeting, and such financial information shall be disclosed to members in real time.

第三章 俱乐部会员

Chapter Three Club Members

第一节 俱乐部会员类别、资格及入会手续

Section One. Club Member Type, Qualification & Membership Application Procedure

第八条 本俱乐部会员分为一般成员及正式会员。

Article 8. Members of this club are categorized into average members and official members.

第九条 一般成员无发展上限,只要由正式会员推荐并通过秘书处审核,自愿加入微信群等线上社交平台即可。一般成员暂无会员证,无须签订入会合同及缴纳会费。

Article 9. There are no limits on average member's development. The only requirement will be that an average member voluntarily joins in online social media platform such as Wechat group after being recommended by official member and reviewed and approved by the secretariat. There is no membership card for average member for the time being and there is no need to enter membership agreement or pay membership fee.

第十条  正式会员分为个人会员及公司会员,须遵循推荐制度申请入会,并缴纳会费,获得会员证。正式会员原则上每年发展人数不超过100人(不包含俱乐部理事)。












Article 10. Official members are categorized into individual member and corporate member. Membership application shall comply with recommendation system and membership fee has to be paid before receiving membership card. In principle, recruitment of official members shall not exceed 100 members each year (excluding the club's directors).

Applicant for the club's official member shall possess good reputation on personal character and business, be honest and comply with regulations, laws and rules, actively safeguard the club's articles of incorporation, recognize promotion of sustainable development through information sharing, resource sharing, mutual assistance and collaboration, promotion of business integrity as well as feedback to society, be passionate in the club's exchange and interaction, be willing to exert effort in providing suggestion and assistance to other members, be devoted to create more values for club members including applicant himself or herself, and shall meet with at least one of the requirements prescribed hereunder:

(1). Business, major shareholder, chairman of the board of directors, general manager, CEO of business with annual revenue of RMB100 million or more, or net profit of RMB20 million or more;

(2). Fortune global 500 enterprises and their branches across greater China area, China's top 500 enterprises, China top 500 private enterprises, listed companies as well as core management of enterprises prescribed hereto;

(3). Domestic top institutions of respective industries (including commercial bank, insurance company, trust company, investment company, accounting firm, law firm, securities company, fund management company, asset assessment company, and so on) and institution partner, managing director, senior management higher than branch manager of province level branch;

(4). Investor with individual cash investment capability of RMB50 million or more, art collectors with personal art collection with auction price of RMB200 million or more;

(5). Responsible person for development zone higher than municipal level;

(6). Domestic/Offshore renowned university, research center, key research institute and experts in respective industries;

(7). Enterprises with certain influence or rapid growth in segmented industries;

(8). Other members agreed by the board of directors' meeting.

Note 1: A corporate member shall in principle be the headquarters of an enterprise. Repeated application from average business branch institute shall not be allowed with the exception that headquarters' approval to commission branch institute for membership application is obtained.

Note 2: Average members may enjoy the privilege of being upgraded to official members in the event that requirements prescribed hereto are met and applications are filed accordingly.

第十一条 正式会员入会应当遵循如下程序。





Article 11. Application for official member shall comply with procedure prescribed hereunder:

(1). Application from shall be submitted to this club (individual membership applicant shall submit copy of valid identification card, while corporate membership applicant shall submit copy of business license with company stamp);

(2). Application shall be submitted to the board of directors' meeting for approval after being reviewed by the secretariat. In principle, a new member shall receive consent from more than 50% of all directors. Directors will be deemed as having granted their consent in the event that there are no comments or definite objections made during the opinion requisition period. Application process shall in principle be completed within fifteen (15) working days commencing from the day of materials submission;

(3). Issuance of membership card (entering of membership agreement, membership fee payment, issuance of membership card and becoming official member);

(4). Applicant of official member after the club's official operation shall be recommended by at least one official member to the club's secretariat and aforementioned process shall be completed in order to become an official member.

第二节 会员权利

Section Two.  Membership Rights

第十二条 一般成员仅开放微信公众号和微信群等线上社交平台

Article 12. Average members shall only have access to online social media platforms of Wechat public accounts and Wechat groups.

第十三条 正式会员享有下列权利。






Article 13. Official members are entitled to the rights hereunder:

(1). All services prescribed in chapter III of articles of incorporation hereto;

(2). Rights of supervision, recommendation and criticism over this club's management;

(3). Rights to elect, to be elected and to vote;

(4). Rights to participate in this club's activities;

(5). Rights to voluntarily enter and freely exit this club.

第三节 会员义务

Section Three.  Membership Obligations

第十四条 一般成员和正式会员应当履行下列义务











Article 14. Average members and official members shall fulfill obligations prescribed hereunder:

(1). Strict compliance with the nation's related laws and regulations;

(2). Strict compliance with this club's Articles of Incorporation and internal management regulation system including but not limited to 'Entrepreneur Elite (International) Club Wechat group covenant';

(3). Safeguarding this club's social reputation, image and legitimate rights;

(4). Provision of authentic, accurate, latest, legal, completely valid and complete materials without false record or misleading statement;

(5). Official members shall pay membership fee in accordance with rules;

(6). Compliance with obligations to aggressively participate in and keep secret and confidential of this club's operation and project development;

(7). Compliance with this club's daily management and supervision, and aggressively participate in all activities and events held by this club;

(8). No assignment or lending of membership card without authorization;

(9). Execution of this club's resolution;

(10). Aggressive submission of constructive suggestions over this club's work, and aggressive provision of articles and information to this club's promotion platform which includes but not limited to Wechat group and magazine.

第四节 会员退出

Section Four.  Exit of Membership

第十五条  正式会员可向本会秘书处主动申请退出本俱乐部。主动退出者,应当书面提出申请并交回会员证。若期限不满一个月则退还会费,满一个月后年费不予退还。

Article 15. Official members may actively apply to this club's secretariat for exit of this Club. Members actively exiting this club shall file exit application in writing and return membership card. Membership fee will be refunded for members exiting in less than one month after joining in this club, while membership fee will not be refunded to members exiting after staying in this club for more than one month.

第十六条 发生下列情况之一者,理事会将有权取消其会员资格,被动退出者,年费不予退还:






Article 16. In the event of occurrence of one of the circumstances prescribed hereunder, the board of directors' meeting shall be entitled to cancel membership and membership fee shall not be refunded to members being cancelled of their membership:

(1). Members will be deemed as exiting this club automatically in the event of violation of laws and regulations in this country;

(2). Membership shall be terminated automatically in the event of violation of this club's articles of incorporation and code of conduct and such violation causes damage to this club's goodwill and jeopardizes this club's order;

(3). Members will be deemed as exiting this club automatically in the event of failure to pay service charge within twenty (20) days after receiving payment notice;

(4). In the event of inappropriate behavior, or dissent raised by other member and a reminder letter is delivered accordingly by the secretariat after consultation from the board of directors' meeting, for three (3) occurrences, members shall therefore be deemed as exiting this club automatically;

(5). Members will be advised to exit this club in the event of failure to participate in any of this club's activities.

第十七条  根据《企业家精英(国际)俱乐部微信群公约》规定,若有违反公约严禁事项的成员或被其他成员举报有不良行为的成员,俱乐部有权取消其成员资格并保留微信群请出权力。

Article 17. In accordance with the 'Entrepreneur Elite (International) Club Wechat Group Covenant', this club is entitled to cancel membership and reserve the right of Wechat group expulsion over members with violation of prohibition matters prescribed in the covenant hereto, or, members being reported by other members as having been engaged in inappropriate behavior.

第四章   会员服务

Chapter Four Member Services

第十八条 正式会员享有本章规定的所有服务内容;一般成员目前仅开放信息服务以及部分增值服务。

Article 18. Official members are entitled to all services prescribed in these articles of incorporation, while average members currently only have access to information services and certain value-added services.

第十九条 信息服务。俱乐部以线上建立微信公众号及微信群等方式为主体进行信息分享与互动交流,向所有正式会员和一般成员开放。信息服务不定期更新;

Article 19. Information Service. This club conducts information sharing and exchange and interaction mainly through measures of establishing online Wechat public account and Wechat group which are open to all official members and average members. Information services will be updated from time to time.

第二十条 增值服务。通过俱乐部的理事成员和俱乐部咨询顾问委员会以及国内外的战略合作伙伴等资源,为会员提供增值服务,包括但不限于:

(一)改制、转型,上市、融资、收购并购重组、资产管理、 海外投资等方面的系统解决方案;









Article 20. Value-Added Services. Through resources of members of the board of directors' meeting, club consulting advisor commission as well as domestic and offshore strategic collaboration partners, members are provided with value-added services which include but are not limited to:

(1). Systematic solutions with respect to restructuring, transformation, becoming listed, financing, mergers & acquisitions, reorganization, asset management and offshore investment;

(2). Assistance to members in conducting brand promotion, market exploration as well as enhancement of collaboration among members;

(3). Establishment of database based on quality resources of this club's enterprises and industry development parks;

(4). Establishment of think tank(s) under the convergence of domestic/offshore renowned universities, research centers and industry experts;

(5). Reservation of technology projects for the purpose of providing support to enterprises in need;

(6). Establishment of financing platforms among members;

(7). Assistance to member enterprises in managing issues between enterprises and government as well as crisis management;

(8). Assistance to member enterprises in implanting pro bono gene in business management. This club will assist enterprises in establishing 'pro bono strategy' and building up enterprise citizen image;

(9). Enhancement of collaboration and transactions among up/middle/downstream industry chains for the purpose of ultimate forming of business relationships of mutual trust and stability as well as fulfilling win-win development.

第二十一条  线下活动。俱乐部定期或不定期组织各类线下活动,包括但不限于:








Article 21. Offline Activities. This club will organize, routinely or from time to time, various offline activities which include but are not limited to:

(1). Annual Meeting;

(2). Symposium, Speech or Theme Salon;

(3). New Year Party;

(4). Business Trip or Offshore Study;

(5). High End Customized Tour;

(6). Sports Events;

(7). Charity Events;

(8). Leisure/Appreciation Events: such as health management, tea savoring, music/arts appreciation, antique verification and appraisal, family polo experience, and so on.

第二十二条 俱乐部微杂志。作为俱乐部对外宣传的窗口,杂志以采访会员高端人物、行业动态分析、宣传会员活动等内容来增强会员凝聚力。

Article 22. Club Micro Magazine. Being the club's window for external promotion, this magazine enhances member synergy through contents of interviews with prestigious club members, analysis of industry information, promotion of member events, and so on.

第五章 组织机构、负责人

Chapter Five Organization Structure & Responsible Person

第二十三条 本俱乐部的组织原则是民主集中制。领导机构的产生和重大事项的决策,须经集体讨论,并按少数服从多数的原则作出决定;

Article 23. Organization principle for this Club is democratic centralism. Generation of management mechanism and decision over critical issues shall go through collective discussion and decision shall be made in accordance with the principle of majority rule.

第二十四条 本俱乐部的负责人是指理事长(会长)、常务副理事长(副会长)和秘书长;

Article 24. Responsible person for this club shall mean and refer to board director (Chairman), Managing deputy board director (Vice Chairman) and secretary general.

第二十五条 本俱乐部的最高权力机构是会员代表大会。








Article 25. Supreme authority for this club is member representatives' assembly.

Duties for member representative assembly are as follows:

(1). Stipulation and modification of this club's articles of incorporation;

(2). Election and recall of this club's directors;

(3). Establishment of this club's membership fee standards;

(4). Review of the board of director's meeting work report and financial statements;

(5). Determination of this club's change of name or termination;

(6). Determination of other critical issues.

第二十六条 会员代表大会每年召开一次会议,会员代表大会须有三分之一以上的会员出席方能召开,其决议须经到会会员半数以上表决通过后生效。


Article 26. Member representatives' assembly shall be convened once annually. Member Representatives' assembly shall not convene unless there are more than one third of members attending this assembly. Assembly resolutions shall not take effect unless they are approved by more than half of all attending members.

Members are entitled to commission agents to attend meeting. Agents hereto shall present power of attorney and shall exercise voting rights within the scope of authorization.

第二十七条  会员代表大会每届任期四年。因特殊情况需提前或延期换届的,须由理事会表决通过,但延期换届最长不超过1年。

Article 27. Tenure for member representatives' assembly for each plenary is four (4) years. Early or prolonged change of plenary due to special circumstances shall be approved by the board of directors' meeting. Prolonged period hereto shall not exceed one (1) year.

第二十八条 会员代表大会选举理事,组成理事会。理事会为本俱乐部的执行机构,对会员代表大会负责。理事会每届任期4年,到期应当召开会员代表大会进行换届选举。

Article 28. Member representatives' assembly hereto shall elect directors who shall then form the board of directors. Board of directors is this club's execution mechanism and shall be responsible for the member representatives' assembly. Tenure for the board of directors is four (4) years. Member representatives'  assembly shall convene for election of next plenary directors in the event of expiration for incumbent plenary directors.

第二十九条 理事会的职责是:












Article 29. Duties for the board of directors are prescribed hereunder:

(1). Convening member representatives' assembly to which work report and financial statements shall be submitted;

(2). Execution of resolutions by member representatives' assembly;

(3). Election or recall of this club's responsible person and managing director;

(4). Determination to retain deputy secretary general and major responsible persons for respective institutes;

(5). Determination of official member's recruitment and membership cancellation;

(6). Determination of establishment or cancellation of office, branch office and representative office;

(7). Leading this club in launching its operations;

(8). Establishment of this club's internal management system;

(9). Determination of penalty on members violating this club's articles of Incorporation, resolution or internal management system;

(10). Listening and reviewing responsible person's work report, and inspecting responsible person's work;

(11). Determination of other major matters.

第三十条 理事会每年召开一次会议。情况特殊可随时召开理事会。增补理事,须经会员代表大会选举。特殊情况下可由理事会补选,但补选理事须经下一次会员代表大会确认。

Article 30. The board of directors' meeting shall convene once annually, and can convene from time to time in the event of special circumstances. Supplementary director shall be elected by member representatives' assembly, and can be elected by the board of directors' meeting under special circumstances. supplementary directors elected by the board of directors' meeting shall be verified by the next plenary member representatives' assembly.

第三十一条 理事会会议由理事长负责召集和主持。有1/3理事提议,必须召开理事会会议。如理事长不能召集,提议理事可推选召集人。召开理事会会议,理事长或召集人需提前5日通知全体理事。理事会会议,应由理事本人出席。理事因故不能出席,可以书面委托其他理事代为出席,委托书中应载明授权事项。

Article 31. The board director shall be responsible for convening and chairing the board of directors' meeting. The board of directors' meeting shall convene in the event of requests from one third of directors, and requesting directors are entitled to elect convener in the event that the board director is unable to convene accordingly. Board director or convener shall deliver notice to all directors five (5) days prior to the convening of board of director's meeting. Directors shall personally attend the board of director's meeting. In the event that a director is unable to attend the meeting, he or she may commission, in writing, other director to attend the meeting, and authorization matters shall be prescribed in the power of attorney.

第三十二条 理事会会议须有1/3以上理事出席方能召开;理事会决议须经出席理事1/3以上通过方为有效。

Article 32. The board of director's meeting shall not convene unless there are more than one third of all directors attending. The board of director's meeting resolution shall not take effect unless approved by one third of attending directors.

第三十三条 本会设常务理事会,常务理事由理事会从理事中选举产生,常务理事会为理事会闭会期间的执行机构,对理事会负责,人数应当不超过理事总数的三分之一。

Article 33. This club shall establish managing director's meeting with managing directors elected from directors by the board of director's meeting. Managing director's meeting shall serve as execution mechanism during the period when the board of director's meeting is not convening meeting, and shall be responsible for the board of director's meeting, with the number of managing directors not exceeding one third of the total number of directors.

第三十四条 常务理事会在理事会闭会期间行使本章程第四十条第 (二)(四)(五)(六)(七)(八)(九)(十)(十一)项的职权。

Article 34. During the period when the board of director's meeting is not convening meeting, Managing director's meeting shall perform duties prescribed in (2), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10) and (11) of article 40 of articles of incorporation hereto.

第三十五条 常务理事会至少每半年召开一次会议。特殊情况或1/3以上常务理事提议可以临时召开理事会。增补常务理事,应经理事会选举。特殊情况下可由常务理事会补选,但补选的常务理事应经下一次理事会确认。补选的常务理事应在理事中产生。本会负责人不得由常务理事会选举和罢免。

Article 35. Managing director's meeting shall convene at least once half yearly. Temporary board of director's meeting may convene in the event of special circumstances or requests from more than one third of managing directors.

第三十六条  常务理事会须有2/3以上常务理事出席方能召开,其决议须经到会常务理事2/3以上表决通过方能生效。

Article 36. Managing director's meeting shall not convene unless with more than two thirds of managing directors attending, and meeting resolution shall not take effect unless approved by more than two thirds of attending managing directors.

第三十七条 本俱乐部会员代表大会、理事会、常务理事会进行表决,应当采取无记名投票方式进行,负责人选举应当以差额选举的方式进行。以上会议应当制作会议记录,形成决议的,应当制作会议纪要。其中理事会的会议决议应当由出席理事当场审阅、签名。会员有权查阅本俱乐部章程、规章制度、各种会议纪要和财务会计报告。

Article 37. Voting by this club's member representative's assembly, Board of director's meeting and managing director's meeting shall be conducted in secret ballot, while election of responsible person shall be conducted in competitive election. Meeting minutes shall be prepared for all the meetings hereto, and meeting summary shall be prepared in the event of resolution obtained. Meeting resolution by the board of director's meeting shall be reviewed and signed by attending directors. Members of this club are entitled to review articles of incorporation, rules and systems, respective meeting summaries and financial and accounting statements.

第三十八条 本俱乐部理事长(会长)为法定代表人。本会法定代表人不得兼任其它社会团体的法定代表人。

Article 38. Board director (chairman) is this club's legal representative. Legal representative of this club shall not serve as other social group's legal representative.

第三十九条 本俱乐部负责人需具备下列条件:



Article 39. Responsible person for this club shall meet with requirements prescribed hereunder:

(1). Possessing relatively larger influence and higher reputation in the business realms of this club; Maximum age for this duty shall not exceed 70 years old. Responsible person shall be healthy, insistent in working normally and shall possess full behavioral capacity for civil actions.

(2). Responsible person has never been sentenced to criminal penalty of political rights deprivation.

第四十条 有下列情形之一的人员,不能担任本俱乐部负责人:




Article 40. Persons meeting one of the conditions hereunder shall not assume the post of this club's responsible person:

(1). Persons who have been sentenced to control, criminal detention or fixed term imprisonment from criminal offenses, and are still within five (5) years after the completion of execution;

(2). Persons who are sentenced to political rights deprivation from criminal offenses and are currently serving sentences, or persons who have been sentenced to political rights deprivation previously;

(3).  Person who has served as a responsible persons in a social group which has been revoked of registration or 'social association legal entity registration certificate' because of violation of laws, and person who is personally liable for the social group's illegal action; or person who has served as a responsible person in a social group which has been banned, and it is still within five (5) years since the day when such social group was revoked of registration or 'social association legal entity registration certificate' or was banned; or person who does not have complete capacities for civil acts; or other circumstances stipulated by laws, administrative regulations, rules or requirements.

第四十一条 本俱乐部负责人、常务理事每届任期与理事会的届期相同,连任一般不超过两届。因特殊情况需延长任期的,须经会员代表大会2/3以上会员表决通过。

Article 41. Tenure for this club's responsible person and managing director for each plenary is identical to the tenure for the board of director's meeting for each plenary. Re-election in principle shall not exceed two terms. Prolonged tenure in the event of special circumstances shall be approved via voting by more than two thirds of members attending the member representative's assembly.

第四十二条 本俱乐部理事长(会长)行使下列职权:





Article 42. Board director (chairman) of this club shall perform duties prescribed hereunder:

(1). Chairing member representative's assembly; Convening and chairing board of director's meeting and managing director's meeting;

(2). Inspection of various meeting resolution execution;

(3). Directing and leading the work of board of director's meeting (managing director's meeting), and representing this club in signing critical documents;

. Other duties prescribed by this club's articles of incorporation.

第四十三条 常务副理事长协助理事长工作。理事长因故不能行使职权时,由常务副理事长轮值代行其职权,轮值期限为一年。

Article 43. Managing deputy board directors shall assist board director in performing duties. In the event that board director is unable to perform duty for certain reason, Managing deputy board directors shall take turns in performing the board director's duties, with respective terms of one (1) year each.

第四十四条 秘书长为专职,主持秘书处工作。秘书长在理事长领导下开展工作,主要职责是:









Article 44. Secretary general works full time and presides over the work of secretariat office. Secretary general works under board director's leadership with major duties of:

(1). Presiding offices in launching routine tasks, and organizing and implementing annual work plan;

(2). Coordinating respective branches and representing organization in launching tasks;

(3). Stipulating internal management guidelines and systems, and submitting guidelines and systems hereto to the board of director's meeting for review;

(4). Submitting recommendations of retaining or discharging deputy secretary general and candidates for respective office responsible persons to the board of director's meeting;

(5). Reporting work status to board director and board of director's meeting;

(6). Reviewing membership matters of average members and official members;

(7). Determining full time staff engagement for offices, representative offices and physical institutes;

(8). Handling of other routine matters.

第四十五条 副秘书长协助秘书长工作,秘书长因故不能行使职权时,可指定副秘书长代行其职权

Article 45. Deputy secretary general shall assist secretary general in performing duties. In the event that secretary general is unable to perform duty for certain reason, Deputy secretary general can therefore be assigned to perform secretary general's duties.

第四十六条 本俱乐部内设办事机构,包括秘书处、办公室、财务部、对外联络部等,处理日常事务性工作。

Article 46. This club shall establish administrative offices which include secretariat office, office, department of finance and department of external communications for the processing of routine works.

第六章  财产的管理和使用

Chapter Six  Management & Utilization of Property

第四十七条 本俱乐部的收入来源于:







Article 47. This club's revenue shall be generated from:

(1). Club membership fee;

(2). Government subsidy;

(3). Donations;

(4). Enterprise sponsorship;

(5). Other legitimate income;

(6). Interest.

第四十八条   本俱乐部的财产及其他收入受法律保护,任何单位、个人不得侵占、私分、挪用。

Article 48. This club's properties and other revenues are protected by laws, and any unit or individual shall not embezzle, distribute without authorization or misappropriate accordingly.

第四十九条   本俱乐部按照会员大会通过的会费标准收取会员会费

Article 49. This club shall collect membership fees in accordance with membership fee standards approved by member's assembly.

第五十条   本俱乐部经费必须用于本章程规定的业务范围和事业的发展,不得在会员中分配。

Article 50. This club's funds shall be utilized in the scope of businesses and development of enterprises prescribed by articles of incorporation hereto, and shall not be distributed among members.

第五十一条   本俱乐部执行《民间非营利组织会计制度》,依法进行会计核算、建立健全内部会计监督制度,保证会计资料合法、真实、准确、完整。

Article 51. This club implements 'Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organization Accounting System' and complies with laws in conducting accounting and establishing comprehensive internal accounting monitoring system, and guarantees that accounting materials are legal, authentic, accurate and complete.

第五十二条   本俱乐部配备具有专业资格的会计人员。会计不得兼出纳。会计人员必须进行会计核算,实行会计监督。会计人员调动工作或离职时,必须与接管人员办清交接手续。

Article 52. This club shall be equipped with professionally qualified accounting staff who shall not serve as cashier simultaneously. Accounting staff shall conduct accounting and implement accounting supervision. In the event of accounting staff's change of job or employment termination, handover procedures shall be implemented together with receiving staff.

第五十三条   本俱乐部专职工作人员的工资和保险、福利待遇,根据国家有关规定执行。

Article 53. Compensation, insurance and benefit treatment for this club's full time employees shall be implemented in accordance with related regulations of this nation.

第五十四条   本俱乐部每年1月1日至12月31日为业务及会计年度,每年3月31日前,理事会对下列事项进行审定:




Article 54. Business and accounting year for this club shall be from January 1st to December 31st of each year. board of director's meeting shall conduct reviews over matters hereunder prior to March 31st of each year:

(1). Business report and final account of revenue and expenditure for previous year;

(2). Business plan and budgets of revenue and expenditure for this year;

(3). Property List.

第五十五条   本俱乐部进行换届、更换法定代表人以及清算,应当进行财务审计;

Article 55. This club shall conduct finance auditing in the event of change of plenary, legal representative and liquidation.

第七章  终止和剩余财产处理

Chapter Seven  Termination and Processing of Remaining Property

第五十六条   本俱乐部有以下情形之一,应当终止:






Article 56. This club shall cease to exist in the event of circumstances prescribed hereunder:

(1). Achievement of purposes prescribed in articles of incorporation hereto;

(2). Inability to continue to embark on activities or events in accordance with purposes stipulated in articles of incorporation hereto;

(3). In the event of spin-off or mergers;

(4). Autonomous dissolution;

(5). Termination from other causes.

第五十七条   本俱乐部终止,应由理事会提出终止动议,经会员大会表决通过

Article 57. With respect to termination of this club, the board of director's meeting shall present termination motion which shall then be approved by member's assembly through voting.

第五十八条  本俱乐部终止前,由理事会确定的人员成立清算组织,清理债权债务,处理善后事宜。清算期间,不开展清算以外的活动。

Article 58. Prior to the termination of this club, personnel nominated and approved by the board of directors' meeting shall establish liquidation organization for the purpose of liquidating creditor's rights and liabilities as well as processing subsequent matters. Activities other than liquidation shall not be engaged during the period of liquidation.

第五十九条 本俱乐部自清算结束之日起15日内办理注销。

Article 59. This club shall conduct cancellation of registration within fifteen (15) days of completion of liquidation.

第八章  附则

Chapter Eight  Supplementary Provisions

第六十条   本章程经  2017    1    7  日第  1  届第  1  次会员大表决通过。本章程规定如与国家法律、法规和政策不附,以国家法律、法规和政策为准。

Article 60. Articles of incorporation hereto has been approved through voting by plenary member representative's assembly meeting dated January 1st, 2017. In the event of inconsistencies between articles of incorporation hereto and laws, regulations or policies of this nation, laws, regulations or policies of this nation shall serve as the standards for compliance.

第六十一条   本章程的解释权属于本俱乐部理事会。

Article 61. Construction of articles of incorporation hereto shall rest upon the board of director's meeting of this club.