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2021“凝心聚力 蓄能前行-跨界融合与创新发展”年度高峰论坛暨颁奖签约盛典活动取得圆满成功 The 2021 Annual Summit Forum and Presentation of Awards and Agreements Signing Ceremony of "Moving Ahead by Gathering Strength and Energy - Cross-Boundary Integration and Innovation Development" Completed With Success
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  • 2021-11-28
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The 19th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition is just around the corner. The efforts, such as attract Chinese and foreign-funded enterprises to enter and take root in the Yangtze River Delta, optimize the business environment and supporting infrastructure, and establish a beautiful backyard for Chinese and foreign investment services, are bringing new opportunities and new enlightenment for many institutions and enterprises.


Nowadays, the global automobile industry is facing restructuring, and China's automobile market ushers into a structural adjustment that has not happened for many years, and many brand new trends have emerged in the[特指] industry, technology, market, products, sales and other areas. Ecosystems among industries are becoming more complex and boundaries among them are gradually indistinct. . Automotive technology is pursuing greener, low-carbon, intelligence and interconnection, and scopes of core technologies are increasingly difficult to be defined.

在此背景下,由专注于打造跨界跨行业,科技创新生态体系的渤锐斯谷企业家精英国际俱乐部主办,北美汽车人协会、上海国际汽车城(集团)有限公司协办的于7月31日在上海以“凝心聚力 蓄能前行-跨界融合与创新发展”为题的高峰论坛在沪引热议,这场论坛共吸引了行业内的350余位来自政府、半导体、传统汽车及汽车零配件、智能汽车、人工智能、智能制造、科技信息、生物医疗、物联网等企业高管及政府出席。

With this background, the Summit Forum titled "Moving Ahead by Gathering Strength and Energy - Cross-boundary Integration and Innovation Development", sponsored by the Brice Valley Entrepreneur Elite International Club, focuses on building a cross-boundary and cross-industry technological innovation ecosystem, and co-organized by the North American Auto Professional Association and Shanghai International Automobile City (Group) Co., Ltd., on July 31st,  was overwhelmingly received in Shanghai. This forum has attracted more than 350 officials and entrepreneurs from the government and industries such as semiconductor, traditional automobiles,  automobile accessories , intelligent automobiles, AI, intelligent manufacturing, scientific and technological information, biological medical treatment and Internet of Things.


Video congratulations


The forum is strongly supported by Shanghai HAND Enterprise Solutions Co., Ltd., NSK Investment Co., Ltd., Renrui Human Resources Technology Holdings Co., Ltd., PATSNAP Information Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Group Limited Liability Company, PLUSSPACE Construction Engineering (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Linhong Assets Management Co., Ltd., United Family Peiyuan Clinic, Door Media, Fosun Travel and Culture Group, and Anhua Logistics System Co., Ltd.!


How to empower traditional automobiles, auto suppliers and new energy vehicles with artificial intelligence, semiconductors, Internet of Things and related industries, and how to solve fragmented and isolated phenomena of travel resources on the aspects of digitalization, data, talents, intelligence and ecology, and how to smoothly form an intelligent manufacturing system with the whole chain of "design-production-service" and perfect integration of supply chain?


The activities were carried out in the form of guests’ keynote speeches and presentation of awards and agreements signing. Nine eminent experts and scholars from  industries of automobile, semiconductor, artificial intelligence, 5G and human resources have comprehensively analyzed the above-mentioned forward-looking topics from the perspectives of actual operation and global strategy from different dimensions. The in-depth and high standard of the summit won enthusiastic responses from the guests who present at the summit.


In the signing process, the host specially congratulated PATSNAP Information Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. on the announcement of the completion of the E-round financing of USD300 million in March. This round of financing was completed by leading investors  of Tencent and Softbank Vision Fund and further holding of CPE and old shareholders such as Sequoia China, Shunwei Capital and Vertex Ventures. This is also the largest financing in the field of service for enterprises and the field of SaaS since 2020.

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Speech made by Mr. Huang Weifeng, Head of the government of Chongchuan District, Nantong City


The economy of Chongchuan District of Nantong, as a participant in this forum, has maintained a development momentum of faster speed, better structure and higher benefit on the basis of high base data, as its business environment of Chongchuan District is further improved. Chongchuan District of Nantong focuses on cultivating the strategic emerging industries such as the three leading industries of innovation industry, vehicle networking and artificial intelligence, expands and strengthens the four pillar industries of electronic information (integrated circuits), high-end equipment, new materials and green buildings, and accelerates the development of five functional industries, i.e. modern finance, professional services, high-end commerce, cultural tourism and ecological health care.

 正如崇川区区长黄伟锋先生在致词说, 南通据江海之会,与上海一起坐拥长江入海口南北两翼,在“一带一路”、长江经济带、长三角区域一体化等国家战略叠加下,正朝着“奋力建设长三角一体化沪苏通核心三角强支点城市”目标全力迈进。作为南通中心城区,崇川素有“崇川福地”之称,2020年实现GDP1482.6亿元,全市第一,综合实力稳居长三角地级市中心城区前列。

Just as Mr. Huang Weifeng, the head of Chongchuan District, said in his speech, Nantong is located on the north wing of the Yangtze River estuary, whereas Shanghai sits on the south wing of it. Under the superposition of national strategies such as "the Belt and Road Initiative", the Yangtze River Economic Belt and Regional integration in the Yangtze River Delta, Nantong is making strides towards the goal of "striving to build a strong fulcrum city in the Shanghai-Suzhou-Nantong core triangle in the integration of the Yangtze River Delta". As the central district of Nantong city, Chongchuan, commonly known as the "blessed land of Chongchuan", has achieved the GDP of 148.26 billion yuan in 2020, ranking first in the city, and its comprehensive strength is firmly at the forefront of the central districts of prefecture-level cities in the Yangtze River Delta.


Chongchuan and Shanghai are only separated by a river. A hundred years ago, the sage Zhang Jian set up an industry entity here, giving the reputation of "little Shanghai" to Tangzha, a major town in Chongchuan; a hundred years later, we adhere to the "three Omni-directionals" requirements put forward by the Municipal Party Committee, comprehensively deepen the docking service to Shanghai, and utilize the "two-wheel drive" of advanced manufacturing and modern service industry. The scale of industries such as electronic information, equipment manufacturing, high-end commerce, professional services and cultural tourism is continuing to grow, and a number of world-renowned enterprises and institutions such as Tyson of the United States, Kawasaki of Japan, Temasek of Singapore, Formosa Plastic of Taiwan Province and KPMG came to our district one after another to invest and develop. With the formal opening of the Shanghai-Suzhou-Nantong Bridge, the accelerated launch of the high-speed railway along the north side of the River and the upcoming construction of the new airport, Chongchuan has become the "bridgehead" and "vanguard" for Nantong to connect with Shanghai and deepen the cooperation between Shanghai and Nantong.


Finally, Huang Ruifeng, the Head of District said that our district  always adheres to the innovation-driven development strategy, takes the lead in setting up a district-level science and technology innovation commission in the whole province, takes the provincial-level new high-tech zone as the "pilot zone of the innovation", combines the efforts of the whole district to accelerate the gathering of science and technology resources to develop high-tech industries, and strives to make Chongchuan district the first choice for attracting high-quality innovation resources in Shanghai, Suzhou and Nantong. Here, we sincerely invite you and warmly welcome you to visit Chongchuan and invest in its industries. We will, as always, be a good attendant, and create the best business environment for everyone with the greatest sincerity and most practical measures. I hope we will have the opportunity to cooperate, share development opportunities and jointly draw a new picture of the integration and high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta!

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Ms. Pan Xiaohong, General Manager of Shanghai International Automobile City (Group) Co., Ltd., gave the presentation of business environment

作为本次论坛协办方上海国际汽车城(集团)有限公司,上海国际汽车城自2001年全面启动开发建设至今,规划面积达100平方公里, 完成固定资产和各类项目建设投资超过1000亿元,正在成为国内一流的集汽车研 发、制造、贸易、博览、运动、旅游等功能于一体的产业基地。 上海国际汽车城以规划为引领,以市场为导向,不断创新区域开发机制和提升区域营运水平。党的十九大以来,抓住新时代的新机遇,积极响应国家“汽车 强国战略”,支撑上海全球科创中心建设,以汽车产业新四化为发展驱动新抓手, 以“人、车、城市的完美融合”为核心理念,推动嘉定汽车产业创新与转型升级 发展,力争打造成为世界级汽车产业中心核心承载区。

Shanghai International Automobile City (Group) Co., Ltd., is one of the co-organizers of this forum. The Shanghai International Automobile City,  started its construction in 2001 with a planned area of 100 square kilometres and an investment of over 100 billion yuan in fixed assets and various projects, is becoming a first-class industrial base integrating automobile research and development, manufacturing, trade, expos, sports and tourism in China. Guided by planning and market, Shanghai International Automobile City constantly innovates regional development mechanism and improves regional operation level. Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we have seized new opportunities in the new era, actively responded to the national strategy of the powerful auto industry, supports the construction of Shanghai Global Science and Technology Innovation Center, takes the new four modernizations of automobile industry as the new driving force for development, and embrace the core idea of  "perfect integration of people, vehicles and cities" to promote innovation, transformation and upgrading of Jiading automobile industry, and are striving to become the core district of the world-class automobile industry centre.


Ms. Pan Xiaohong, General Manager of the Auto City, said that we are also facing the profound reform of the whole automobile industry, and have consistently adhered to innovative ideas and practices. In the field of automobiles, especially in the new four modernizations, many cross-boundary explorations have been carried out to provide assistance and support for the development of industries and regions.  In the aspect of leading role, we have mainly carried out demonstration leading in the following four fields, and at the same time, we achieved many "uniqueness" and "the firsts" throughout the process.


The first field for demonstration is electric vehicles. From April 2011 when Shanghai on behalf of China responded to the initiative of international EVI electric vehicles, and Jiading District on behalf of Shanghai as a whole promoted the construction of an international demonstration zone for electric vehicles. In this process, we built up a test drive center, a data monitoring center, an operation service center and a business model innovation center.


The second field for demonstration is intelligent networked vehicles. In June 2015, our Automobile City was also approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as the first national pilot demonstration zone for intelligent networked vehicles. The term "intelligent networked vehicle" was coined by our Automobile City Group when we applied for becoming the pilot zone, but later it is beyond our expectation to become a widely used word in the industry.


The third field for demonstration is the operation of industrial cluster for hydrogen energy and fuel cell. We actively participated in the declaration of Shanghai fuel cell vehicle demonstration city which was drafted and formally submitted last year by our team. By making use of Jiading's pioneering exploration in fuel cell and hydrogen energy, we also gathered Jiading's current entities in this industry. We also played a very good supporting role in shortlisting Shanghai as one of the five fuel cell vehicle demonstration cities in China. In terms of our own practice, Jiading is also the first to deploy hydrogen refuelling stations, and our Anting hydrogen refueling station is the first fixed hydrogen refuelling station in China, which has been operating safely for more than 10 years since its establishment in 2009. The application effect resullting from demonstration is beginning to show up. Taking"Promoting the Commercial Development Program of China's Fuel Cell Vehicles" put forward by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China/United Nations Development Program(UNDP)as the breakthrough point, the demonstration operation of vehicles of various types and multiple models is carried out to promote the commercialization of fuel cell vehicles.


At present, the demonstration operation of the fourth field is being promoted. In March of this year, we submitted to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development the declaration of the demonstration city for the integration and development of smart cars and smart cities, mainly focusing on the integration of the so-called "4S", that is, smart cars, smart energy, smart transportation and smart city. If adding another "s", that will be smart manufacturing. That mainly includes the construction of intelligent infrastructure, new network facilities, platform of the vehicles and city network, the demonstration application and the improvement of the standard system.


At last, Pan Xiaohong said, “When the automobile industry has come to such an important turning point today, our automobile city being full of enthusiasm and confidence hopes to participate in the redefinition of the automobile industry transformation. We warmly welcome a wide range of high-quality enterprises, scientific research institutes and investment institutions to invest in our automobile city, share development opportunities and jointly win a better future. Finally, I wish all the distinguished guests good health, prosperous career and all the best. Thank you.


Topic of speech: Artificial Intelligence and Industry 4.0

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李瑞成博士,SAP 全球高级副总裁、SAP 中国研究院院长/渤锐斯谷副理事长

Dr. Li Ruicheng, Senior Vice President of SAP Global, Dean of SAP China Research Institute/Vice Chairman of the Brice Valley


Today, I would like to share with you the developments of Industry 4.0. In fact, the birth of artificial intelligence technology has played a key role in promoting Industry 4.0. What kind of combination did the two have and what breakout capability did it bring about? Today, I would like to discuss with you from this aspect.


Technology is changing very fast. If you only look at technology, but ignore the business essence behind this technological change, you may be confused. I want to talk about the developmental trend that we are facing in this era.


These six major technological trends will impact all aspects of our lives, and changes of our business model, lifestyle and our learning. I won't mention these examples because everyone knows them. These are the things I am talking about that are futuristic and realistic. Where is the reality manifested? Countless companies are already doing the work on this aspect, including B2B companies, which are building industrial Internet platforms.


When it comes to the trend of the times, a topic on artificial intelligence is unavoidable. Everyone is talking about what artificial intelligence is and why it is so important.


Why is artificial intelligence so hot now? Artificial intelligence contains three elements. The first element is data. Raw materials applied to AI are big data. As we all know, data is sufficient due to the application of all kinds of smart devices. The second element is our computing power. The third element is the algorithm. These three elements have reached a breakthrough climax. It is not enough only to have these three aspects, but also the context  is essential. When anyone only talks about artificial intelligence and promote artificial intelligence technology for you, without any mention of application context, it is basically unreliable to talk about the above three things. Artificial intelligence technology   with context  can bring real applications.


How to apply artificial intelligence, we need to determine the context , that is, the combination of artificial intelligence and Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 is a relatively better direction proposed by German specialists, but it actually needs a path. Industry 4.0 itself is a path, telling us about the intelligent manufacturing.


5G New species and Cloud robot

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Mr. Zhao Pengyu, Co-Chief Operating Officer of Cloudminds Technology Co., Ltd.

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首先为我们分享了以人工智能及机器人技术为代表的第四次工业革命相关背景介绍。重点介绍了:云端机器人是部智能机器人的最佳架构以及云端机器人的操作系统HARIX OS海睿可实现对云端机器人的AI赋能和运营管理;云端大脑多模态的智能能力;机器人在虚实环境下交互弌自主学习和训练;特别介绍了云端机器人RDK技能开发平台及运营管理平台(DOSS)。

Firstly, Mr. Zhao Pengyu shared the background information of the Fourth Industrial Revolution represented by artificial intelligence and robotics. The emphases are put upon that: the cloud robot is an intelligent robot with best architecture and the operating system of the cloud robot HARIX OS can realize AI empowerment and operation management of the cloud robots; multi-modal intelligence ability of cloud brain; robots learn and train independently in the virtual and real environments; the RDK technique development platform and the operation management platform (DOSS) of cloud robot are particularly introduced.


Finally, the operation context of 5G cloud robots are shared: empowering artificial intelligence education, empowering new intelligent medical care, bringing about new "Contact-less" store experience, bringing transformation to property management and so on.


Topic of speech: Historical Opportunity of China's Integrated Circuit Industry

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Dr. Dai Weimin, Chairman and President of VeriSilicon Holdings (Shanghai) Co., Ltd./Vice Chairman of the Brice Valley


Dr. Dai first introduced the global semiconductor industry's three shifts, from the United States to Japan, from Japan to South Korea and Taiwan Province, and from South Korea and Taiwan Province to the Chinese mainland. We are in the third shift, and our industrial background is the Internet of Things just mentioned, which is very fragmented.


From the trend of the number of transistors in Apple products, the number of transistors in Apple's mobile phone chips has greatly increased following the reduction of characteristic line width, supporting the continuous upgrading of the performance of mobile phone chips; the number of transistors in its mobile phone chip in 16mm technical process is 3.3 billion pieces, 6.9 billion in 7mm technical process and 10 billion in 5mm technical process.


The rapid increase in the number of transistors per unit area leads to a rapid decrease in the unit cost of transistors. For example, at 16nm, 1 billion transistors cost more than 5 dollars, and at 7nm, it is only 2.65 dollars per 1 billion transistors, which is almost free of charge. This industry is advancing like this, getting smaller and cheaper. It is very cheap when mass production is done, but it is quite expensive when it is in the phase of R&D.


The cost of chip design is getting higher and higher. Taking the design cost when the manufacturing is in the mainstream application period as an example, when the process node is 28nm, the design cost of a single chip is about 41 million US dollars, while when the process node is 7nm, the design cost rises rapidly to about 222 million US dollars; in which the cost of use in early period has a difference more than one time from the use in mature period, but the cost of use in mature period is still very expensive.


If back to 30 years ago, we manufacture the products but you wouldn't because of the fixed cost problem. There are more than 2,000 chip companies in China, but virtually there are less than 200  in the United States. In fact, we don’t need more than 2,000 chip companies. What problems should we solve? Today, no manufacturing is not enough. You put emphasis on design without manufacturing, the application cost is too high. We have to solve the problem of application cost. How to solve it? There must be some things that you don't do by yourself, and it is necessary to establish an effective ecological chain of industrial cooperation. 


Our company is a platform company, which was listed on the science and technology innovation board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange on August 18th last year. Looking back to the year 2016, 18% of our business was in China, but now 48% last year. 95% of our R&D is done in China. Very importantly, if most of R&D of Chinese companies are in China, it is also problematic. Only 5% of such Chinese companies are present in the United States.

另外,你看我们的研发成本占总投入85.9%。前十名学校硕士占80%,最重要的一点,我们这个行业离职率5%,500人在上海,400人在成都,这是非常重要的事情。芯原在人工智能视频/云游戏服务器市场领导地位以及芯原-全球领先的汽车电子图形 IP (GPU)供应商。目前我们从芯片设计平台即服务到打造行业生态:标准、生态、服务与平台、产品。

In addition, as you can see, our R&D cost accounts for 85.9% of the total investment. The masters from top ten universities account for 80%, and the quitting rate of our industry is 5%, with 500 people in Shanghai and 400 people in Chengdu, which is a very important deployment. VeriSilicon Holdings is in leading position in the artificial intelligence video/cloud game server market and is a globally leading provider of automotive electronic graphics IP (GPU). At present, we go from a chip design platform as a service to creating industry ecology: standards, ecology, service and platform, and products.


Topic of Speech: NIO's Innovative Thinking and Practice

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Dr. Shen Feng,  Executive Vice President and Chairman of Quality Committee of NIO Automobile,/Vice Chairman of the Brice Valley


I am very grateful for the invitation of the conference, and we can have a more cross-boundary discussion on this platform. I learned a lot from the speeches shared by Mr. Zhao and Dr. Dai, which also filled my mind with visions and ideas. It seems that the prospect of autonomous driving is very good.

蔚来不仅仅是一家汽车公司 自 2012 年设想和筹划,至 2014 年 11 月 25 日正式诞生;通过提供高性能的智能电动汽车与极致 用户体验,蔚来致力于为用户创造愉悦的生活方式,成为全球范围内第一家“用户企业”。

NIO is not only a car company which was conceived and planned in 2012 and officially born on November 25, 2014, but also by providing high-performance intelligent electric vehicles and best user experience, it is committed to creating a pleasant lifestyle for users and become the first "users enterprise" in the world.

蔚来在全球汇聚人才,在上海、合肥、北京、圣何塞、慕尼黑和牛津等地设立研发与生产机构;在中国市场初步建立了覆盖 全国的用户服务体系。截至2021年3月31日 蔚来三款量产车型已累计交付95,701台。

NIO gathers talents around the world and sets up R&D and production institutions in Shanghai, Hefei, Beijing, San Jose, Munich and Oxford; its nationwide customer service system has been preliminarily established in the Chinese market. As of March 31, 2021, NIO has delivered a total of 95,701 vehicles from its three mass-production models.


Today, I will give you some examples to share with you the innovation, thinking and consideration of NIO and what NIO has done.


For example, we often hear that NIO car has an all-aluminium car body, which is the best all-aluminium car body in the world. Actually, its aluminium content is relatively high. The BMS system is made by itself. This is very reasonable. Why must BMS be made by itself? Because BMS needs constant iteration, we must keep learning and improving, and utilize the data. If you have many users, more and more data, and more and more mileage, you will keep iterating.


If having any NIO users among you, we just released a new 2.10 the day before yesterday. The future software will be iterated almost once every 1-2 months. This iteration is a relatively large version iteration, adding a lot of functions, which were not originally available. Users will expect your version to be updated constantly.

智能化驾驶一定会改变我们人类的生活方式,大家看到这个盘子超级大(AMOLED 全圆屏),我们叫自动驾驶的辅助系统,做得最好的是领航辅助系统。目前基本可以做到,经常开长途的话,这个系统非常帮助你,我们配了地图,车知道在哪一个车道上开,车知道在哪一条链里,你导航测试完以后,假如出口在那边,你两手可以这样,车自己可以变道,可以找到正确的出口出去,可以做到这个份上,当今的法规是驾驶员必须要放在方向盘上。这个确实会让你驾驶的压力减轻很多。

Intelligent driving will definitely change our way of life. As you can see, this tray is super large (AMOLED fully round screen). We call it the assistant system of automatic driving, and the best is the assistant system of navigation. If you drive long distances frequently, this system is very helpful to you. We have deployed a map. The car knows which lane to drive in and which chain to keep in. After your navigation test, if the exit is over there, the car can change lanes and find the right exit to go out. Today's traffic regulations are that the driver must put their hands on the steering wheel. How Advanced! It will really reduce your driving pressure a lot.


NIO pays great attention to the interaction with users, and our service to users is very transparent. At the same time, we attach importance to the feedback from users. We think that if you want to get feedback from users, you must keep the threshold as low as possible, thus users will be happy to help you with feedback. So we are willing to do it in the simplest way, giving feedback when driving. You may give feedback to NIO about anything, e.g. making a product suggestion, complaining, expressing your feelings.

大家如果关注蔚来的话,今天蔚来是全世界唯一一家所有的车型和所有的电池都是可以互换的,任何一台车可以到换电站三分钟之内差不多就可以换完。关注蔚来的话,会对蔚来的社区特别感兴趣,其实蔚来除了在车的技术上做很多的创新,同时对社区的成长想了很多很多的创新点子,大家说蔚来的黏性特别强。所以,大家有兴趣的话,在上海我们有NIO House,属于蔚来车主的一个空间,在这个空间里面你可以做各种各样的事情,你可以把小孩放在里面,你可以在里面开讲座的地方,有各种各样的。所以大家对这个不了解的话,欢迎大家来NIO House作客。

If you have paid attention to NIO, it will be found today that NIO is the only car company in the world with all models and batteries being interchangeable. The replacement will be done within three minutes after a car arrives at the battery replacement station. If you have paid attention to NIO, you will be particularly interested in NIO's community. In fact, NIO not only makes a lot of innovations in car technology, but also comes up with a lot of innovative ideas about the growth of the community. It is said that NIO is particularly attractive. Therefore, if you are interested, we have the NIO House in Shanghai, which is a space for NIO car owners. In this space, you can do many kinds of things, such as putting children in it, and giving lectures in places where you can. So if you want to learn about this, you are welcome to visit NIO House.


Topic of Speech: China's economic restructuring and human resources management strategy

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Mr. Zhang Jianguo, Executive Director, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Renrui Human Resources Technology Holdings Co., Ltd./Vice Chairman of the Brice Valley


This topic I want to talk about may be different from the previous guest speakers. The previous guest speakers have talked more about the future of high technology, and I talk about the theme of human resources. What does it have to do with our high-tech industry? Twenty-five years ago, I did the work in human resources management and served as the vice president of Huawei human resources. Everyone still appreciates Huawei very much. What is the root of Huawei's development? You can think about it. At present, only Huawei mobile phones among homemade mobile phone brands can reach the international level. However 20 years ago, at that time when many enterprises were engaged in the making of mobile phones, Huawei had not yet really taken off . But why did Huawei become the representative of domestic mobile phones, and why did Huawei succeed? What is the reason behind this? This is not only a technology reason . Besides some of our traditional auto-manufacturers being engaged in the business of electric cars and self-driving cars, some companies having nothing to do with cars have also entered this field, including Baidu, Huawei and Xiaomi.


Therefore, the competitors of each enterprise are not the competitors it originally imagined, and each enterprise needs to cope with different competitive environments. The technological advantage you have today does not mean that you will still have this advantage tomorrow. The most fundamental reason behind it should still be a human factor. Huawei's innovations from generation to generation are is unique in relating to human resources. The concept of human capital was put forward in 1996. Many of our enterprises are possible not to know what human capital means. I'd like to take this opportunity today to share with you some questions about human resources management strategies.


In recent years, many enterprises have paid special attention to the problem of human resources management, which is a problem in enterprise operation. Thinking from the perspective of capital, there are three obvious characteristics in future human resources management: First, flexible management: we all know that the external environment changes too fast, for example, after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic last year, how do we deal with it? The current competitive environment can be changeable at any time. Is it useful for an enterprise to make a three-year plan and a five-year plan? It works, and also it won’t work because no one knows what change will happen after one year. For an enterprise, the most important thing is the ability to cope with changes; on the aspect of human resources, it is related to the flexible management ability. Secondly, business mindset: how to be business-oriented and serve our business and the operation of our enterprise. Thirdly, how to improve efficiency through human resources management: the core problem is the people’s problem. How to manage talents is more important than the production management of an enterprise.


For our enterprises, it is critical how to manage talents, and I feel deeply touched on this key aspect. The core capability of Huawei is the management of talents. Employees at Huawei are fighting for themselves, not for their boss. How do you form such a mechanism in the company, including the internal management mechanism in the company? How to manage its leaders? How to form the mechanism that leaders can have the mobility to go up and down? In many of our enterprises, leaders can only go up but cannot go down, so there is no vitality in the end. How to form such a mechanism is about the management of culture?


How we manage talents is very important to the management of our enterprises. There are three characteristics in future human resource management.

第一,共享:你想垄断人才是不可能的,并不一定是我跟他有劳动关系,只要知识为我所用就可以。所以对一些特殊人才共享的方式未来也是一种非常特殊的形态。第二,破界:在人才的组织上、配置上,不一定是公司内部的框框,更多的把社会资源有效地利用。 这一块对我们一个企业来说,你的人才管理思维不能定格在企业内部,而是要把社会的资源能够有效的配置,这时候你的成本是最低的,效率是最高的。这就是所谓的经营者思维。另外,我在2018年的时候,出版了一本书《灵活用工》,人才从为我所有到为我所用。

Firstly, sharing: it is impossible for you to monopolize talents. It is not necessarily the situation about labour relationship between them and me, as long as their knowledge is useful for me. Therefore, the sharing of some special talents is also a very special modality in the future. Secondly, breaking the boundaries: on the respect of the organization and allocation of talents, it is not necessarily the internal framework of the company, but more effective exploitation of social resources. For an enterprise, the thinking of talent management can't be fixed inside the enterprise, but should be put upon the social resources effectively allocated. At this time, your cost is the lowest and your efficiency is the highest. This is the so-called operator thinking. In addition, in 2018, I published a book "Flexible Employment", expounding the thinking of talents from owning by me to use by me.


Topic of Speech: Status Quo and Trend of Industrial Internet of Things

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滕勇博士,Oliver Wyman奥纬管理咨询全球合伙人/渤锐斯谷常务理事

Dr. Teng Yong, Global Partner of Oliver Wyman Management Consulting/Managing Director of the Brice Valley


I am very grateful for the invitation from Brice Valley, and also very pleased to have the opportunity to share with you some development trends of the industrial Internet of Things. Just now, Dr. Li just talked about Industry 4.0 and the vision development trends in 2040 and 2060. Today, I would like to highlight the current development status of the industrial Internet of Things in manufacturing industry.


The concept of the Internet of Things has been discussed for a long time. More than ten years ago, everyone here has ever heard that the Internet of Things would change our world. In the past ten years, everyone's vision has not been realized. General speaking, the industrial Internet of Things has gone through several stages, from the stage of industry formation to the stage of second standard formation. After going through years of basic development, infrastructure construction, and constant verification from the whole application scenes, the whole industry is in the process of rapid development, you can expect that more and more value in the industry will be presented, especially in China's manufacturing industry in the next few years.


We have made a rough forecast according to the global market value of around 250 billion US dollars in 2020, the market will grow even much faster in the next few years and the market value will reach about 1 trillion US dollars by 2025. Therefore, it is a fast-growing market, which will have a great impact on our life, routines and production.


General speaking, especially for those who are involved o the manufacturing industry, the production space will be greatly impacted, with an estimated industrial impact of 1.2 trillion-3.7 trillion yuan. Of course, I also found out at earlier time that robot man-machine delivery and smart cars are also the industries that will be impacted by the industrial Internet of Things.


China has always been the development centre of industrial Internet of Things. China's manufacturing industry is the largest industry in the world. Judging from the digital transformation and development of manufacturing industry in the past 10 years, we have made a lot of investment in the industry. From the perspective of China's Internet of Things terminal nodes, our growth rate in the past 5-10 years has been very fast, which should outpace the whole world.


Everyone talked a lot about the Internet of Things. How does the Internet of Things generate value in the industry? Here, we made some simple generalizations about the industry. From the application scenes, we divide it into four categories.


The first category is called equipment management, which is actually the most mature field of application, especially the real-time tracking and monitoring of key equipment. The second application scenes are much more, which can generate relatively great value, especially in industries such as steel, petrochemical and energy.


The second category is operational optimization. Just now, Dr. Li gave several cases, which are related to various industries in operational optimization, including production optimization, energy management, quality management, safety and health management, environmental management and so on. This aspect will be different from the characteristics of the whole industry. At present, industrial Internet of Things is widely used for production management in many industries. Energy management in future industries is also regarded as a very important scene in the application of industrial Internet of Things.


The third category is called the function of overall operation optimization, including the internal resources management of our company, which is related to the traditional ERP system.


The fourth category is the combination of business management with traditional ERP to improve the efficiency of the whole production and operation. These application scenes in some industries have different application maturity or popularity.


We believe that there is considerable room for future growth in preventice maintenance and equipment management in China. There are a large number of heavy-asset equipment in various industries, these pieces of equipment have great value through preventive maintenance, and the annual growth rate is expected to reach about 30% in 2025.


In preventice maintenance, we usually have five steps.


The first step, data collection and collation. After collecting data through different sensors, the key to the backstage is the analyzing process, which requires a lot of manual modelling or big data analysis to meet the requirements about predictive results.


Another method is to effectively combine data analysis with the whole equipment failure mechanism, effectively combine mechanism analysis with data analysis, and make use of our professional knowledge to help the machine predict the equipment operation status at an earlier time.


Another application scene is personnel management, which has always been an important goal in many industries, like the steel industry where personnel are the biggest constituent part of the costs. How to detect the utilization of different people in real time and optimize the utilization of different people through the Internet of Things is the focus of attention in the future or now. The value of industrial applications can increase from 59 billion yuan in 2020 to about 100 billion yuan in 2025.


There are also different players in the industrial Internet of Things, from front-end sensors, networks to platforms, to applications. It can be said that different players have different concerns in the industry. At present, the formation of corresponding solutions around different industries in the application end may bring indirect value. However, if applications are often combined with platforms, many companies also hope to reach the platform system and ecosystem through platforms. For end customers, it is still application-oriented, and for platform customers, it is also necessary to combine applications with platforms.


The business models of the platforms are not exactly identical, and the most commonly used are those traditionally general-purpose platforms. We can see that more and more enterprises will develop professional platforms for this industry in the future or other petrochemical industry-based platforms. For example, Baoxin, which take steel industry as its core. There are some that are more application-oriented, which is also the focus of many enterprises at present.


Topic of Speech: Intelligent Traveling in the Future

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Mr. Zheng Xiancong, co-founder of NIO Automobile, CEO of MIH Electric Vehicle Platform/Chairman of the Brice Valley



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Intelligent travel launching ceremony


Vote for the third Council members

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Mr. Huang Jianwei, Chairman of  PLUSSPACE Construction Engineering (Shanghai) Co., Ltd./Vice Chairman of the Brice Valley, makes a corporate presentation.


Hello, everyone, I am very glad to have such an opportunity to show  PLUSSPACE company here. PLUSSPACE company has been established in Shanghai for 20 years. As you can see, just now, it mainly provides our commercial space for all enterprise offices, including educational institutions, R&D centers, regional departments and medical institutions.

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Mr. Feng Ganbao, Director of the SOL New Energy Vehicle Market Operation Department, made a corporate presentation


Leaders, distinguished guests and friends, I would like to briefly introduce SOL New Energy Vehicle. You can see that there is a sign on this PPT, which is our LOGO. SOL is a young brand. These double "S" actually signifies two flashes of lightning, representing empowerment, energy, strength and innovation. We hope to win the recognition of the market and users with "fastness" like lightning.


Sharing four parts. The first is the development momentum of new energy vehicles. It should be said that viewing from the overall situation in 2020, our industry is still in a rapid growth trend. It is estimated that the overall sales volume of 1.7 million vehicles in China will be met in 2021 in a rapid development trend.


The second is the sales volume of pure electric vehicles which remains at a high level. As you can see, we have sold 80,000 units in February 2021.


So far, we have had an accumulated sales of 170,000 units, and garnered a very large user base and technically big data. After we cooperated with Volkswagen in 2016, we began to implement the product development standards of Volkswagen and apply the production lines and quality centers of Volkswagen, and have fully achieved the production quality of Volkswagen. Starting from last year, Volkswagen has taken a 50% stake and SOL has entered a new era.


As far as the overall business structure of SOL New Energy is concerned, our ecosystem has been very complete in addition to the company integrating production, marketing and research.


Our basic definition of our brand is that we are a brand created by a new joint venture, and the cooperation between us and Volkswagen empowers us to enter a new stage of rapid development. We are also a global, young and ecological brand.


We are focusing on urban young users. We hope to bring in a pleasant driving experience and intelligent feeling. Our core value is to bring joy and comfort to users because the performance of pure electric vehicles is inherently pleasant and joyous.


We have accumulated several aspects of core battery technology.


The first part is battery selection. According to the user's needs, we choose high-performance batteries which are used in our middle and high-end products. We use NCM/NCA in the vehicles for rental and daily transportation. Our battery has the core technology by which we may implement forced detonation but no spontaneous combustion will happen.


The second part is the ultra-quiet electricity-driven system. Based on the user data of 170,000 units, it has already been used for travelling of more than 4 billion kilometres, which verifies that our overall operating system is 1.5 decibels better than the industry.

这是我们电驱动系统,也是有这样一个大数据的积累,有这样一个实证使得我们的技术非常成熟、可靠。  在云端通信这个方面,也有深厚的积累。

This is our electricity-driven system with such accumulation of big data. There is such an empirical evidence that our technology is very mature and reliable. In the aspect of cloud communication, there is also an accumulation of evidence.


Let me introduce our main products already launched in the market up to now. For E10X officially launched on March 28th last month, at present, its market order has exceeded 6,000 units within less than 20 days, and the response from the market is very good. With high performance and relatively low price, it has won the trust of the market and users, and obtained a relatively high degree of attention on the Internet.


This product will be launched next month, with a mileage up to 500 kilometres after one charging. It may reach a speed of 100 kilometres/hour with an acceleration of 8 seconds. The price for the car is about 120,000 yuan. The car has the capability to automatically follow and reverse on the expressways, and has a very good cost performance. You can pay attention to it.


In the future, we will launch a series of new products one after another, including small-size cars with brand new platform and large-size cars with brand new platform. Small-size cars with brand new platform will be launched in 2023 and large-size cars with brand new platform will be launched in 2024.


With the growing intelligence and brand-new business model, we plan to achieve an annual sales volume of 250,000 units by 2025 during the 14th Five-Year Plan.


At present, SOL New Energy vehicles have possessed such elements as technology, capital and industrial model. In the future, we will follow the law of industrial development, and we believe that it will enter the fast-developing golden decade. Thank you all.

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Speech made by Mr. Tan Yuesheng, Vice President of BorgWarner Global and President of the Chinese territory of Borg Warner/Chairman of the Brice Valley


Today, we have the pleasure to meet in beautiful Shanghai, which gives us the opportunity to participate in the annual summit forum of the Entrepreneur Elite (International) Club and witness the emergence of the new Council.


On behalf of the Entrepreneur Elite (International) Club, please allow me to express my heartfelt greetings and warmest welcome to all the distinguished guests. I am very grateful to the guest speakers for their wonderful sharing, which benefit us a lot. At the same time, I would also like to thank all my colleagues in the club secretariat for their hard work and meticulous arrangement for the success of this event!


The Entrepreneur Elite (International) Club needs the participation and care of all of you, and wishes more and more entrepreneurs to join in sharing and amplifying the value in the future.


Finally, on behalf of the club, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks again for your support and participation. At the same time, I wish the "2021 Cross-boundary Integration and Innovation Development Summit Forum and Annual Appreciation-Expressing Dinner" a complete success.


I wish you good health and family happiness, and wish all entrepreneurs a smooth career!


Play back wonderful moments

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Award the appointment letter of Honorary Chairman, Honorary Consultant and Vice Chairman of the Brice Valley

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Award the appointment letter of Honorary Chairman, Honorary Consultant and Vice Chairman of the Brice Valley

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Award the appointment letter of the Executive Director of the Brice Valley

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Award the appointment letter of the Director of the Brice Valley

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Award the appointment letter of Specialist Consultant of the Brice Valley

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Signing the strategic cooperation agreement

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Signing the strategic cooperation agreement

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Signing the strategic cooperation agreement

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Signing the strategic cooperation agreement


I am honored to sign the strategic cooperation agreement with the Brice Valley


Award the appointment letter of Director of the Brice Valley



Dr. Rui Wufeng, Senior Research Fellow of Tongji University and German Research Center, Former Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Shanghai/Specialist Consultant of the Brice Valley



Dr. Dai Weimin, Chairman and President of VeriSilicon Holdings (Shanghai) Co., Ltd./Vice Chairman of the Brice Valley



Ms. Pan Xiaohong, General Manager of Shanghai International Automobile City (Group) Co., Ltd.



Dr. Teng Yong,  Managing Partner of Oliver Wyman Management Consulting/Managing Director of the Brice Valley


李瑞成博士,思爱普(中国)有限公司, SAP全球高级副总裁,SAP中国研究院院长/渤锐斯谷副理事长

Dr. Li Ruicheng,  Senior Vice President of SAP (China) Co., Ltd. and SAP Global, President of SAP China Research Institute/Vice Chairman of the Brice Valley



Mr. Zhang Jianguo, Executive Director, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Renrui Human Resources Technology Holdings Co., Ltd./Vice Chairman of the Brice Valley



Dr. Shen Feng, Executive Vice President of NIO Automobile, Chairman of Quality Management Committee/Vice Chairman of the Brice Valley



Mr. Zhao Pengyu, Co-Chief Operating Officer, Cloudminds

Technology Co., Ltd.



Mr. Huang Weifeng, Head of Chongchuan District, Nantong City



Ms. Pan Xiaohong, General Manager of Shanghai International Automobile City (Group) Co., Ltd.


谈跃生,博格华纳, 全球副总裁兼中国区总裁/渤锐斯谷理事长

Tan Yuesheng,, Vice President of BorgWarner Global, President of Borgwarner/Chairman of the Brice Valley



Dr. Shen Feng, Executive Vice President of NIO Automobile, Chairman of Quality Management Committee/Vice president of the Brice Valley



Dr. Dai Weimin, Chairman and President of VeriSilicon Holdings (Shanghai) Co., Ltd./Vice Chairman of the Brice Valley


南通市崇川区人民政府副区长高栋梁先生与同济大学,德国研究中心,高级研究员Wolfgang Röhr,Dr.jur亲切交流

Mr. Gao Dongliang, deputy head of People's Government of Chongchuan District of Nantong City, have had a cordial exchange with Wolfgang Röhr and Dr.jur, senior researchers of Tongji University and German Research Center



Mr. Li Qiang, Director of the Investment Promotion Bureau of Chongchuan District, Nantong City



Mr. Chen Xiaoguang and Mr.Valeo, vice president of Asia Pacific Windshied Wiper System/Executive Director of the Brice Valley



Dr. Rui Wufeng, Tongji University, German Research Center, Senior Research Fellow, Former Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Shanghai/Specialist Consultant of the Brice Valley



Mr. Sun Jiwei, General Manager of the Chinese territory of Valmont Industries (China) Co., Ltd.



Mr. Li Zhenyu, Managing Director of Baumer Electronics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

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listening attentively

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Ms. Wang Di, Marketing Director of the Brice Valley, communicates with Dr. Rui Wufeng, Senior Research Fellow of Tongji University and German Research Center and former Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Shanghai



Take photos



Host: Wang Jinglin, teacher of the bilingual school affiliated to East China Normal University



Speech Made by Mr. Song Dongsheng, Deputy Secretary General of the Brice Valley



A view of sign-in desk



Participants registered in the sign-in desk



amiable communication



Take photos to mark the occasion



Listen attentively



Listen attentively



Take photos to mark the occasion



Take photos to mark the occasion



Mark the occasion



Registration place



happily take pictures with beautiful women



The staff of the secretariat assists the participants’ registration



Host: Wang Jinglin, teacher of the bilingual school affiliated to East China Normal University



Corner of registration place





Take a group photo with the performers



Panorama of the meeting place



Best wishes


We will always uphold the core values and development tenets of consensus making, association with one another, sharing, co-creation and win-win, and seek the right path to realize social values by pooling the most farsighted entrepreneurial wisdom. Thank you for your support! The club is advancing in a steady way.


I believe, through professional operation, technological support and hardworking, we will be tougher and more resilience. Thank you very much for your support and participation. I wish you happiness and prosperity in 2021!


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