鉴于多个地区发生病毒感染的肺炎疫情,而且考虑到疫情有蔓延势头,为了大家身体健康与安全,经理事会一致同意,原定2020年2月14日(星期五)下午举办《促进共同发展 携手共创末来》年度高峰论坛及签约仪式暨迎春答谢晚宴的活动取消,等肺炎疫情完全控制好后,我们再提前通知大家活动的时间,谢谢大家的理解。
Due to the pneumonia virus outbreak, for the health and safety of our guests and members, the board of council agreed to cancel the summit which will be held on February 14th,2020. We will inform you in advance of the time, and detailed information of this summit until the virus is contained. Thank you for your understanding.